We are proud share that we work together with a number of national and international patient organisations.

EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe
EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe is a unique, non-profit alliance of 962 rare disease patient organisations from 73 countries that work together to improve the lives of the 30 million people living with a rare disease in Europe. Read more

VSOP – Dutch Patient Alliance for Rare and Genetic Diseases
VSOP is the national patient alliance for rare and genetic diseases in The Netherlands, with a strong international orientation. Read more

HEVAS is a Dutch parent and patient association for haemangiomas and vascular malformations. Read more

The Belgian patient association that aims to help, support and inform people with vascular anomalies, while supporting research. Read more

CMTC-OVM is a worldwide non-profit patient organization that aims to improve the quality of life of people suffering from CMTC (‘Van Lohuizen syndrome’) and other vascular abnormalities, and stimulate scientific research into these disorders. Read more

Bundesverband Angeborene Gefäßfehlbildungen e.V.
The German federal association for congenital vascular malformations. Read more